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This limits their ability to contact you or see what you’re up to. Maybe they’ll apologize and change their ways. Let them know how their actions make you feel. The people who make you feel badly may not know the damage they’re causing. This can help you stay calm and might reduce your risk of being triggered in the moment. Let the person know that you have limits and won’t tolerate being treated poorly. If that’s the case, there are still constructive ways to deal with them. It can also be hella hard to stand up to certain family members or co-workers. You can’t always avoid toxic people, especially if they’re part of your social circle. Of course, this is easier said than done. So try to cut out the people who trigger your body image issues. Block the hatersĪnyone who is making you feel badly about yourself does not deserve to have you in their life. And remember, most of what you see on social media is an idealized version of a person’s life. It’s also super easy to compare yourself to the random everyday people you see during a doomscrolling sesh. Studies show media as a whole can influence a person’s perception of what a typical, healthy body should look like. Influencers aren’t the only ones who push unrealistic beauty standards. Here are five tips to help you on your journey. For most people, it takes a lot of time, effort, and self-care.

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Chances are you won’t be able to solve your body image issues overnight.

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